by Dr Carolyne Joseph, PsyD on 06/01/21Good morning. I have been thinking about this blog and what might stimulate some conversation and start people to thinking about how they think and why they think like they do.
When I was working with the inmates in prison I would challenge them to write about their "worldview." By world view I mean how you see the world around you. Do you see it as a "safe" place where you are allowed to be you or do you see it as "me against the world?"
Think about how you developed your worldview. Most likely it began in your childhood.
A worldview is a collection of attitudes, values, stories and expectations about the world around us, which inform our every thought and action. Worldview is expressed in ethics, religion, philosophy, scientific beliefs and so on (Sire, 2004).Aug 1, 2011 A worldview is how you look at the world, how you think it operates, why things happen the way they do, what your purpose is.
If your childhood was free of violence, and you were encouraged to do your best. You felt loved and important, your world view would be the world is a safe place. Much of your world view is influenced by your parents world view. If you were encouraged to be kind to others, and not be judgmental, your worldview would be very different from someone whose childhood was filled with violence, and attitude that everyone is out to get you, you probably became very vigilant about the people around you and what their motives were.
It is important to look back without blaming anyone but to help you recognize how you world view has influenced your thoughts, attitudes, decision making and behaviors.
This can be a very freeing exercise. This will enable you to take charge of your thoughts, attitudes, decision making and behaviors. This is a very personal/private exercise.
You do not have to share anything personal unless you choose to. Remember, life is about choices. Make good ones that you won't regret later.
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