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Some people like sharing their story after receiving help from Dr. Carolyne. By Sharing their story and appreciation, it may encourage others to seek help and find their path to a better state of mind.
Thanks to Dr. Carolyne Joseph, I have gained strength, self-esteem, insight and clarity regarding myself and dealing with my life. Always the people pleaser, always putting and caring for others before my needs, I now have turned the tables. As Carolyne has said to me, “Who is going to take care of you better than yourself?" I have been shown that there is a difference between being selfish and simply putting ourselves first. You too can learn self respect, gain self esteem and get a "backbone.” Carolyne has a unique ability to help you acknowledge your issues and make a plan to improve and better your life. I would like to quote the old cliché, "I'm not getting OLDER......I am getting BETTER!"
Thank you, Carolyne